Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy maintains a strict confidentiality policy on all personal and company data submitted by Job applicants, test participants, companies and thesis/dissertation advisees, hereafter called participants. We will not release identifying information to anyone without the prior consent by participants.

Purpose of Data collection

Thesis Clinic Participants' communications with a Consultant of will be exclusively between the Participant and the Consultant and will never be disclosed to anyone else.Personal data submitted by applicants will only be used for assisting them to find appropriate employment. The personal data of applicants will only be disclosed to Corporate clients of who have made specific requests for such data and only if and when the applicant has given consent. Job vacancy data are collected for the sole purpose of job matching.


Participants are entitled to access their data kept with and they may edit or amend such data at any time.

The Personal data of Participants will be retained by after deactivation of the Service until the Participant formally requests to erase her/his own personal data from the database.

Job vacancy information can be deleted by the company client at any time.

For more information, please contact our Customer Service Department by clicking the button below   

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