Thoughts on Perfect Recruitment

Hot stuff on Careers, Per­fect Recruit­ment, HR, Busi­ness and Econ­o­my!

The Per­fect Recruit­ment Sys­tem for suc­cess careers is the focus of my Blog. I would like to share with friends, cus­tomers and inter­est­ed per­sons around the globe my many insights and expe­ri­ences I gained over my long pro­fes­sion­al life, and hope that my posts proof use­ful for my read­ers.

I run, the per­fect recruit­ment pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tool offer­ing

  • to com­pa­nies a unique and pow­er­ful online man­ag­er and spe­cial­ist recruit­ment pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tool
  • to job-seek­ers an accu­rate and fast job appli­ca­tion and com­pe­tence test­ing tool.

My posts will focus on three major areas:

  • For Cor­po­rates:
    on Human Cap­i­tal, com­pe­tence, time, mon­ey, and risk!”
  • For Man­agers:
    HR Recruit­ment pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, accu­ra­cy and cost!
  • For Career Seek­ers:
    about a healthy, hap­py, and suc­cess­ful climb to life’s top!

.I also like to invite all  read­ers to com­ment on my thoughts and if you have any ques­tions that are suit­able for a blog top­ic, I would be delight­ed to hear from you. I will share In this blog com­ments and ideas about work, man­age­ment, recruit­ment, busi­ness and econ­o­my I have received from my cus­tomers, appli­cants and read­ers

I will be delight­ed if you vis­it my blog reg­u­lar­ly and I hope that my thoughts will be use­ful for you. Please feel free to for­ward my thoughts to your friends and con­tacts; but please include the source. Your com­ments and sug­ges­tions are high­ly appre­ci­at­ed. Thank you in advance.
I hope to hear from you, best greet­ings
Peter Gruben­mann

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